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Inari sushi (inarizushi) is made by stuffing pockets of inari tofu (seasoned aburaage) with sushi rice (vinegar rice). It’s a luscious and scrumptious vegan sushi that’s easier to make than you think. I’ll demonstrate a very basic dish that I hope you enjoy.

In Japan, fried tofu pouches are quite popular. In the 1980s, 300,000 to 450,000 pouches were made every day, with approximately one-third of the soy used for tofu being utilized.

Today, the popularity of these delectable pouches remains unchanged. These tofu pouches are accessible in the refrigerated department of Asian supermarkets in the United States, but may also be obtained in cans through internet sellers.

What is Inari Sushi?

Inari sushi, also known as inarizushi, is a type of traditional Japanese sushi produced by stuffing tofu pockets made of inari age (seasoned aburaage) with sushi rice (vinegar rice).

It’s as easy to make and consume as onigiri (rice balls), and it’s a favorite at family reunions, house parties, and picnics in Japan.

These small bean curd pockets are the finest sushi to eat at home, on a picnic, or on the road, thanks to their sweet and salty tastes and exquisite bite.

Inari sushi is a common component of bento boxes and is available in delis alongside sushi rolls.

What is Aburaage?

Aburaage is a tasty deep-fried soy product. Aburaage is thinly sliced, deep-fried tofu. Atsu-age is thick-fried tofu. Aburaage is available at any Asian or Japanese grocery shop. They may be frozen and stored in the freezer for up to a month.

Aburaage is cooked in sweet soy sauce to create inari sushi. The aburaage absorbs the sweet soy sauce at this point, so it is simmered until most of the liquid has gone.



To make Inari tofu pockets, season fried tofu called aburaage with mirin, soy sauce, and sugar.

Because it can be opened and filled with rice, it is a true pocket.

They are available in stores, you can buy them here (Seasoned Fried Bean Curd), but they are considerably easier to make and taste far better than store-bought versions. It is also called tofu skin sushi. See my aburaage recipe.

Tofu Pouches


Inari tofu pouches and sushi rice are both seasoned with sugar and salt or soy sauce, resulting in a sweet-salty flavor combination. (In traditional Japanese cooking, sugar is frequently used as a condiment.)

However, each family’s taste and size are unique.
Some Inari sushi is sweeter than others. Some inari sushi is little, while others are bigger and more rice-filled.

Furthermore, depending on the location, there are two types of tofu inari pockets. The western section of Japan is often a rectangle, whereas the eastern part is a triangle.

inari sushi recipe

TIPS & TRICKS for preparing Inari sushi

When making sushi rice

  • Only use Japanese short-grain rice. Other types of rice will not work since they are not sticky enough and will come apart quickly.
  • Use just rice vinegar and no other vinegar.
  • Cool and season the cooked rice in a big bowl or on a baking sheet.
  • To avoid mushy rice, “slice” it rather than combining it.
  • Cool the cooked rice with a fan to give it a lovely sheen!

When Stuffing Tofu Pockets.

  • Carefully open the tofu pockets. Because they are so delicate, take your time opening the pockets.
  • Don’t overfill with rice. Begin with a little quantity. More may always be added.
  • Fill two corners with rice. This is critical for achieving perfectly round corners.
  • Turn the rice over and point it out for Osaka-style inari sushi. Tuck the inari age’s edge into the bag to create a round, smooth edge.
  • If you are making your own aburaage (tofu pouches) after frying, put them in boiling water for 2 min to soften.


How long does Inari Sushi last?

It will stay at room temperature for half a day, three days in the refrigerator, and one month in the freezer.

I keep it at room temperature if we are eating it on the same day. If we’re going to consume it the next day, I store it in the fridge, but for extended storage, I keep it in the freezer.

Keep in mind that rice dries out in the refrigerator, so I like to eat it right away or store it in the freezer.

Wrap it in plastic wrap and place it in a freezer bag before freezing.

When you’re ready to eat it, reheat it in the microwave.

Tofu inari pockets can also be frozen.

I recommend preparing a lot of tofu inari pockets and freezing them. This will save you time while making inari sushi in the future.


What is the composition of inari sushi?

Rice with aburaage (fried tofu) made from bean curds. Sushi rice is filled into inari tofu pockets (seasoned aburaage).

Is Inari sushi vegan?

It is, indeed, vegan sushi.

How long does Inari sushi last?

It will stay at room temperature for half a day (less than 6 hours in summer), in the refrigerator for a few days, and in the freezer for a month.

It is better to consume it within half a day because the rice dries up and loses flavor in the refrigerator.

Is Inari Sushi Gluten-Free?

Yes, this recipe is gluten-free, just be sure to use soy sauce that does not have gluten. Here is the one I used Gluten Free Soy Sauce

Inari Sushi (Tofu Pockets) Recipe

Inari sushi consists of rice stuffed into deep-fried tofu pockets called aburaage and is one of the easiest sushi to make at home. It is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans!

Preparation Time: 30 Min Total Time: 30 Min


  • 2 cups medium-grained rice or sushi rice
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 3 tbsp. rice vinegar
  • 2 nori  sheets, crumbled
  • 2 tbsp Sesame Seeds
  • 10 square inari pockets, sliced in half
  • 1 tsp Vegan Dashi or Seasoning by choice


Make the sushi rice

  1. Collect all of the ingredients.
  2. Cook the sushi rice according to the package directions in a rice cooker or a saucepan on the stove.
  3. After cooking, use a spoon to dissolve the rice.
  4. Close the cover and leave it to rest for another 10-15 minutes.
  5. Cover the rice in the saucepan with a lid.
  6. In a mixing basin, whisk together the sugar and vinegar.
  7. Fill the bowl halfway with rice.
  8. Allow the rice to cool by spreading it out in a thin layer.
  9. Cool the rice with a hand fan or by revolving a magazine. When the vinegar and sugar mixture has cooled, stir it into the rice. Continue to fan as you go.

Make the inari sushi.

  1. Combine the seasoned rice with crushed seaweed and sesame seeds
  2. To keep the rice from sticking, moisten your hands with rice vinegar. Divide the rice into equal sections.
  3. On a wooden board, form rice and seaweed into zeppelin-shaped balls.
  4. Make an oval out of each piece and push it firmly into the inari pockets. Rep till all of the rice and pockets are gone. Serve right away.

Video Instructions

Bon Appetit!

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It may seem confusing if you are unfamiliar with Japanese rice dishes, but each step is basic and simple. I hope you enjoy our authentic and savory sushi inari!

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