A Comprehensive Guide to Stress-Induced Hair Loss and Its Treatments

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Is your hair falling out when washing, combing, or touching it? Hair on your scalp might be thinning, but your scalp appears generally healthy. Dermatologists will tell you that a healthy person sheds about 50 to 100 hair strands daily. When it surpasses 100 strands, it is considered stress-related hair loss.

It could be as bad as losing a third of the volume of your hair. While stress-related hair loss is common to individuals, it can cause a lot of distress. The good news is that the challenge is usually temporary. One way to regain your hair is to use the best hair loss treatments for men from trusted suppliers. In this article, we delve into stress-induced hair loss and its treatments.

Understanding Stress-Related Hair Loss

Before identifying the best stress hair loss treatment, here is what you need to know. Stress-related hair loss could result from a condition known as telogen effluvium. It is a condition experienced by individuals whose bodies have experienced issues like:


  1. Major physiological changes
  2. Emotional stress


Your hair goes through three stages of growth and loss.


  • Anagen – The growth stage, where the cells rapidly divide in the lower side of your hair follicles.


  • Catagen – The lower part of the hair follicles regresses, causing the hair to stop growing.


  • Telogen – When the hair follicles are inactive. The root of the hair has keratin, a white bulb that maintains hair in the follicles until it is time to shed.


When you encounter a stressor, you experience breakage at the telogen stage. 70% of the hair in the anagen phase gets into the telogen phase prematurely, causing hair loss.


Common Causes of Stress-Related Hair Loss

Everyday stressors like worries about financial instability, conflicts and breakups, and high-pressure jobs. Your body may also have undergone childbirth, surgery or sudden weight loss. Emotional trauma, like what people went through at the beginning of the covid 19 pandemic.

Identifying the Signs of Stress-Induced Hair Loss

To get the right stress hair loss treatment requires you to have seen the following signs. You can experience hair loss after going through a stressful encounter. It usually presents as thinning that happens diffusely throughout the scalp, not patches. Conditions like alopecia areata present as well-defined bald patches. Telogen effluvium shows increased shedding as hair falls off during washing and combing.

Effective Treatments for Stress-Related Hair Loss

Here is what to consider if you are looking for stress hair loss treatment with the best results.

Over-The-Counter Solutions

You may opt for topical hair growth products like rogaine, also known as minoxidil. It can help in the stimulation of hair follicles to facilitate hair growth. You can also use biotin, an OTC supplement. It is a B vitamin used to promote hair and nail growth.

Prescription Treatments

You can consult a dermatologist if your condition doesn’t respond to over-the-counter remedies. This form of stress hair treatment is effective when prescribed by a professional. Prescription treatments include finasteride, corticosteroids, etc.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are among the best stress hair loss treatments you can have. They include the use of essential oils like lavender and rosemary oil. You can also opt to use olive oil to massage your scalp. Herbal solutions like aloe vera and alma are also effective in restoring your hair.

Expert Tips on Preventing Hair Loss From Stress

Ensure you eat a balanced diet, i.e. food rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, proteins and zinc. Also, participate in physical activities to improve your health and reduce stress. Have a consistent sleep schedule for your body to rest. Your routine should involve washing your hair with a mild conditioner and shampoo.

Real-Life Stories and Solutions

There has been great feedback from many individuals who have used minoxidil. They say it was effective in stimulating their hair growth. Others have succeeded in using essential oils like rosemary mixed with carrier oils.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Stress-Related Shedding?

The time varies from one person to another. It depends on factors like genetics, overall health and severity of the shedding.

Do Home Remedies Work for Stress-Induced Hair Loss?

Yes. Remedies that involve natural ingredients like herbal treatments  boost hair and scalp health.

Do Home Remedies Work for Stress-Induced Hair Loss?

No. Stress-related hair loss is typically reversible through the right remedies. 


There is a profound link between your physical and mental health. You need to embrace stress management practices to improve your overall well-being. If you have persistent stress-related hair loss, consider consulting a professional. They have relevant experience to make an accurate diagnosis of the real problem. They may also detect underlying conditions early enough. 

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