The Guide to Being a Vegan in France in 2024

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If you are planning a vacation in France, and you’d like to know more about the vegan lifestyle, this article is for you. We’ll discuss what it means to be vegan in France, as well as what you can expect from French vegan food. Lastly, we’ll cover the number of vegans in France, how to find vegan restaurants, and what to look for when buying food. If you’re not a reader, you’ll appreciate this resource!

Vegan in France Guide

Veganism is sometimes viewed as a cult in France. There are also a lot of stigmas associated with vegans at the moment.  French people have always considered themselves to be a beacon for great food and rejecting animal products could be seen as an insult to their culture. In France, a waiter/waitress may think vegans can eat fish and other animal products as well as vegetarians. It is important to be clear about what vegans cannot eat.

vegan in France

However, veganism has made great strides in recent years thanks to the growing number of vegans and their raising of positive sides of going vegan.  Paris is the Mecca for French cheeses and has many vegan cheese shops such as Vegami.

See Also: Most Vegan Friendly Cities In Europe

How Many Vegans in France

According to different sources, 5% of French people are vegetarians/vegans according to a 2017 survey by the Harris Interactive Institute for Marketing Studies and Opinion Polls and L214.

Only a small percentage of these people are vegans, but it is important to remember that:

  • According to Xerta’s marketing department, 30% of these people are flexitarians. The brand recently launched a range of meat imitations.
  • According to a 2017 FIFG / Leieur survey, 50% said they would like to increase their vegetable product consumption.
  • According to CHD Expert’s September 2016 study, 46% of respondents would like traditional seated restaurants that offer vegan food to their menu.

PETA France has seen a strong rise in veganism since 2016 based on the number of downloaded its guide “Vegan guide at the beginning”. The association also revealed that “vegan” was searched more often by French people in 2016 than it was in 2015. (Google source). Spectacular progress.

PETA reports that, in addition to the statistics about veganism and three other important facts, PETA also reported these:

  • According to a study of food trends, since 2016, plants have been given priority.
  • Another study suggests that the market for dairy substitutes will increase by more than 15% over the next few years.
  • The growth trend for imitation meat products is also almost 7%.

The president of Vegetarian Association France (AVF), said this: “For a long while, France was far behind London and Berlin, but it’s catching up. It isn’t a fad for us, it is a fundamental movement. This cuisine is creating a new sector of the economy. It is sustainable, ethical, and good for your overall health.

See Also: Most Vegan-Friendly Cities in the USA

Vegan Food in France

While traveling in France, a vegetarian or vegan may receive a few curious looks. While many people still believe in France that milk and meat are the main food staple, there are many options for vegans. There are many places in France where you can find vegan treats. Here are some suggestions. There are many restaurants and cafes that serve vegan food in France. And as for desserts, France is known for its pastries. French vegan cafes will make your favorite French pastries even more delicious!

While eating out in France, you should make sure to order vegan-friendly dishes in restaurants. Many people don’t realize that French cuisine is heavily influenced by its ethnicity and cuisine. It is important to choose vegan-friendly dishes from ethnic cuisines. In Indian restaurants, ask for vegetable oil instead of ghee or oyster sauce. You can also order eggless dried pasta, without cheese. Middle Eastern and Asian restaurants often serve vegan options, such as falafel and hummus.

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