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Vegan Avocado and Key Lime Pie - Veganiac
Vegan Avocado and Key Lime Pie - Veganiac

Key lime pie is a delicious, refreshing and common recipe that variates from the cheesecake by a few ingredients.

In this recipe, we are going to prepare a vegan version of it, while including one of our favorite super-food: Avocado.

Avocado, thanks to its buttery consistency and its high healthy fat content, will be perfect in addition to vegan butter both in the biscuit base and in the stuffing of the pie itself.

Here’s how to prepare it.

[pinterest-image message=”Vegan Avocado and Key Lime Pie” image=”https://veganiac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Vegan-and-Avocado-Key-Lime-Pie.png”]

Prep Time: 35 Minutes                               Cooking Time: None


The ingredients for a Vegan Avocado and Key Lime Pie (8 servings):


  • 25 Vegan Plain Cookies (Digestive type are perfect for this purpose)
  • 2 tbsp Dark Sugar
  • 2 Avocado + 2 more (for the stuffing)
  • 6 tbsp Vegan Butter
  • 20 oz Vegan Cream Cheese
  • 5 oz Sugar
  • 4 oz Key Lime Juice (Lime Juice will do fine too)
  • 1 Grated Green Lemon Peel
  • 2 tsp Agar-Agar
  • 2 oz Vegan Cream
  • Shredded Dark Chocolate to garnish

Steps to make Vegan Avocado and Key Lime Pie:

Start by melting the vegan butter, and in the meantime proceed to peel and remove the seed from two of our avocados.

Mash the avocados and make sure to get a smooth paste, then add it to the vegan butter pot.

Now we can crush the cookies.

Wrap them up in a piece of cloth and proceed to crush them using your hands.

Pour the crushed cookies in a medium-sized bowl, and add the melted butter and the avocado to it.

At the end, add the dark sugar and start mixing it.

Place a sheet of baking paper on the cake mold, brush with some of the melted vegan butter and proceed to spread the crushed cookies and avocado mixture on the bottom and the sides of the mold.

Place in the fridge and allow it to rest for 20 minutes.

Now we can go on and prepare the stuffing.

Pour the vegan cream in a small pot and add the two teaspoons of agar-agar. Put over low heat and bring to a simmer.

Place the vegan cream cheese and the grated green lemon peel in another medium bowl and begin to mix it up, then add the sugar and gently pour in the key lime juice.

Once it is ready, peel and remove the seed of the avocados, smash them and add them to the vegan cream cheese mixture.

At this point, the vegan cream should be almost boiling, so pour it into the bowl along with the vegan cream cheese and mix well.

Make sure to stir the mix evenly, as this step is very important to ensure a good firmness of the stuffing.

Pour all of the stuffing into the cake mold, garnish with the crushed dark chocolate (or even chocolate shavings are perfect) and place in the fridge for 2 hours.

Serve cold. End enjoy the freshness of this delicious recipe.

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